Luca Olivieri

Luca Olivieri, PhD

Assistant Professor (non-tenure) @ Ca' Foscari University of Venice

About Me

I am an Assistant Professor (no-tenure track) in Computer Science working in software verification based on formal methods at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science, certified Doctor Europaeus, from the University of Verona (Italy) in April 2023. My PhD thesis titled Blockchain Software Verification and Optimization was in part carried out at the University of Rennes 1 (France). I earned a B.Sc and M.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Verona. After my M.Sc., I was hired as a Software Engineer and Research Scientist in the R&D team of JuliaSoft/Corvallis from April 2018 to June 2023. In these companies, my major contribution was developing Julia, an industrial static analyzer based on abstract interpretation for Java and C#. I also contributed to integrating Julia into the CodeSonar analyzer of GrammaTech Inc. In July 2023, I joined Ca’ Foscary University of Venice and the Software and System Verification (SSV) group as a research fellow and currently I am an assistant professor (no-tenure track).

My research interests include cyber security, software verification, blockchain, smart contracts, data protection, and program analysis through formal methods.

You can find my full CV here


PhD Thesis


Date Title Event Venue Link
05/02/2025 Cross-chain Smart Contracts and dApps Verification by Static Analysis: Limits and Challenges Italian Conference on CyberSecurity (ITASEC 2025) Bologna, Italy [link]
27/11/2024 Blockchain Interoperability through Bridges: A Token Transfer Perspective 6th International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA’24) Dubai, United Arab Emirates [link]
15/05/2024 European Union Data Act and Blockchain Technology: Challenges and New Directions 6th Distributed Ledger Technologies Workshop (DLT’24) University of Turin, Turin, Italy [link]
07/11/2023 Towards Compliance of Smart Contracts with the European Union Data Act 5th Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and FormalVerification, Logic, Automata, and synthesis (OVERLAY’23) Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy [link]
11/09/2023 Design and implementation of static analyses via formal methods for blockchain 1st Workshop on Distributed Ledger Technologies and Formal Methods (DLT-FM’23) University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy [link]
19/07/2023 Information Flow Analysis for Detecting Non-Determinism in Blockchain 37th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP’23) University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, United States [link]
25/05/2023 Software Verification Challenges in Blockchain 2nd Software Verification Challenges in Blockchain Symposium (CSV’23) Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Venice, Italy [link]
13/03/2023 MichelsonLiSA: a Static Analyzer for Tezos 4th Workshop on Blockchain theory and ApplicatIoNs (BRAIN’23) Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, United States [link]
14/06/2022 Ensuring Determinism in Blockchain Software with GoLiSA: An Industrial Experience Report 11th InternationalWorkshop on the State Of the Art in Program Analysis (SOAP’22) San Diego, California, United States [link]
05/03/2021 On-Chain Smart Contract Verification over Tendermint 5th Workshop on Trusted Smart Contracts (WTSC’21) Digital live event [link]
19/01/2020 BackFlow: Backward Context-Sensitive Flow Reconstruction of Taint Analysis Results 21st International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI’20) New Orleans, Louisiana, United States [link]
